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If you've been injured in an accident or on the job, the attorneys of Hach & Rose, LLP have the knowledge, skills, and experience required to hold the party responsible for your injury accountable.

Last Updated: 07-25-2023

How does Hach & Rose give back to the justice system?

Halina Radchenko, a New York personal injury attorney at Hach & Rose, LLP, explains what she does to give back to the justice system.

I love being an attorney who is able to represent injured persons, and the way that I give back to the community is by beeing an officer of the New York State Trial Lawyer Association. I volunteer my time there as an officer. The New York State Trial Lawyer Association is a non-for-profit organization whose mission is to level the playing field between injured persons and insurance companies or large corporations.

The way that we effectuate the level playing field is by taking our clients’ stories and bringing them to the attention of the people who write the laws, thereby showing those people how the laws that they write are effectuated in real time and in real instances.

Many times, even though state politicians write laws with good intentions, when those laws are put to use, a different outcome occurs. So as attorneys who see the story of injured people day in and day out, we’re able to bring those instances to the attention of the lawmakers and ask them to effectuate a change in the law.

This not only helps our current clients, but it also allows us to level the playing field to ensure that if a person is injured in a similar manner in the future, they will be treated differently and with more fairness.

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