Let our experience be your guide
Hach & Rose, LLP Pledge: Our firm considers it a privilege to be relied upon as lawyers when people need it most. We recognize that each client has one chance to be compensated when they are injured. Whether the case is worth $10,000 or $10,000,000 our clients and their cases are treated with the same care and attention to detail. The following outcomes are results our attorneys have obtained. All cases are different and past successes are no guarantee of a future recovery.

Our Results in numbers

Clients Served

Over one billion dollars
Obtained for our clients
Jury verdict obtained on behalf of an injured union painter who fell from a ladder and sustained a traumatic brain injury.
Jury verdict for a worker who suffered severe neck injury, as a result of a negligently installed door-closer by construction companies that had been hired to build a new wing of a hospital.
Settlement for a laborer who suffered spinal cord injury when the sidewalk bridge he was standing on collapsed.
Settlement during trial for a woman who was injured at a summer camp when she tripped over luggage that had not been properly stored. As a result, she suffered from complex regional pain syndrome. The offer prior to the trial was $400,000.
Jury verdict for passenger on motorcycle involved in collision with car
Settlement for a construction worker who fell through a hole in the roof.
Jury verdict for a phlebotomist diagnosed with Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD) as a result of striking her knee.
Settlement plus lifetime Workers’ Compensation benefits. Total value $12,000,000. Produce store worker crushed by produce that fell from defective pallet.
Settlement for porter of apartment building repairing a light fixture from a defective ladder.
Settlement for two children of a couple killed in an air crash.
Settlement for person with traumatic brain injury on defective premises.
Judicial decision in favor of an electrical contractor and his wife as a result of a fall through a hole during a construction project.
For construction worker knocked off ladder by falling object.
Settlement for the family of a teenage boy killed due to defective cement truck chute in front of other family members.
Jury verdict for warehouse worker injured by defective forklift.
Settlement for medical malpractice.
For person injured in a head on collision in New Jersey.
Settlement for a construction supervisor who fell from a makeshift ladder injuring his back.
Settlement for a teen who drowned in a motel pool.
Settlement for demolition worker injured by falling debris.
Settlement for a stone mason who was injured when another worker threw a piece of sheetrock out a window striking him on the ground below.
Settlement for a carpenter who was injured after falling from a temporary roof.
Settlement for construction worker due to falling object.
Settlement for an operating engineer who was injured after he fell through an unsecured wooden platform.
Settlement for a roofer who fell through the roof.
Settlement for a worker who tripped and fell.
Settlement obtained for a carpenter who was injured in a fall at work.
Settlement for a construction worker who slipped and fell on a construction site.
Settlement for a laborer who fell down the elevator shaft.
Settlement for a father and son injured in a gas explosion.
Settlement for an electrician who was injured in the course of his employment.
Settlement for a construction worker who fell from a height.
For person injured in a rear end car accident in upstate New York.
Settlement for a woman who was struck by motor vehicle during a police chase.
Settlement for a mason who fell from scaffold.
Settlement for a construction worker struck by a backhoe.
Settlement during trial for a man who was involved in an automobile accident with a New York City Transit Authority Bus. The case was settled after the bus driver was confronted with a video providing that he traveled through a stop sign without stopping.
Settlement for a motor vehicle occupant involved in workplace accident.
Settlement secured for a Union Worker in a Slip and Fall Accident.
Settlement for a union construction worker who was struck by a falling object that was not properly secured.
Settlement for a worker who was killed while being driven in a car from a company parking lot.
Settlement for a union laborer injured by an unsecured fence which struck worker on construction site.
Settlement for an elevator inspector who was injured by faulty equipment.
Settlement amount obtained for a member of sheet metal workers local who was injured when he slipped and fell on an unsecured board at a construction site.
Settlement for a laborer who injured his neck in an accident on a construction site.
Settlement for a worker who was injured when a piece of construction debris fell from a building.
Settlement for a worker who fell from the elevated worksite with no safety equipment provided.
Settlement for waterproofer who fell from scaffold.
Settlement for the asbestos handler who was electrocuted.
Jury verdict obtained for a pedestrian who was struck by a New York City Transit Authority bus.
Settlement for the family of an operating engineer that was killed in the course of his employment.
Settlement for a woman who sustained RSD after she tripped and fell.
Settlement for a union laborer who tripped and fell due to construction debris.
Settlement for trip and fall injury resulting in RSD and the implantation of a spinal cord stimulator.
Settlement for an operating engineer who tripped and fell on construction debris left behind by a contractor.
Settlement for client in car accident.
Settlement obtained for an engineer who was injured in a motor vehicle accident.
Settlement for a laborer who tripped on a defective condition on construction site.
Jury verdict obtained for a man who suffered a back injury following an automobile accident.
Jury verdict for a union member involved in a car accident.
Settlement for a laborer struck by a Bobcat on a construction site.
Settlement for a worker, plaintiff fell to the basement floor.
Settlement for a school fireman who was injured when he fell from a poorly constructed permanent ladder.
Settlement for a construction worker injured by a falling pipe.
Settlement for siding installer who fell from scaffold.
Settlement for an operating engineer who was injured after he fell from a ladder while repairing a garage door.
Settlement for an HVAC worker injured during a fall from a forklift.
Settlement for a family injured in an automobile accident.
Settlement for a homeless man hit by a police car.
Settlement for union carpenter struck by falling equipment.
Settlement for a guest injured in a diving accident at motel’s lake.
Settlement obtained (co-counsel) for an engineer that suffered from lung cancer due to his work in and around asbestos. He is currently retired and is in complete remission. His case is remarkable because it was rejected by a major New York asbestos law firm.
Settlement for a construction worker struck by vehicle due to lack of barricade.
For construction worker who tripped over unsecured Masonite.
Settlement for a trip and fall in apartment building due to dilapidated staircase.
Settlement for motorcycle driver in collision with car door
Settlement for an operating engineer who was injured in a motorcycle accident.
Settlement obtained for a carpenter just prior to trial in which the client stepped off a ladder and tripped on debris.
For a construction worker injured when struck by a New York City fire truck that lost control.
For a trip and fall on a misleveled elevator.
Settlement for school operating engineer who suffered severe burns because of a leaking sump pump.
Settlement for a man who suffered a back injury when he was struck by a motor vehicle.
Settlement for a pedestrian struck by a garbage truck.
Jury verdict obtained for a 60-year-old, self-employed woman who slipped and fell on water in a cafeteria while at a conference.
Settlement for a man injured in an accident with a municipal bus.
Jury verdict for railroad worker injured due to derailment.
Jury verdict for master mechanic at Richmond Hill Yard injured when a shuttle wagon failed and sustained neck injury with surgery.
For a man injured in an automobile collision with a tractor-trailer whose operator was driving under the influence of alcohol.
Settlement obtained during trial for a woman injured in an automobile accident.
Settlement during trial for woman involved in intersection collision
Arbitration award for a man injured in an automobile accident.
Settlement for a man who was injured when he tripped and fell on a New York City sidewalk.
Settlement for a construction worker injured when motor vehicle jumped the curb, striking him during his lunch break.
Settlement for a construction worker injured when he slipped on door laying on the ground that had pipe hidden underneath it.
Settlement obtained (co-counsel) for a union worker that suffered from lung cancer due to his work in and around asbestos. He continues to work in his job and is in complete remission.
Settlement for a cleaner who was injured when poorly stacked soda bottles toppled over and struck her when she was in the process of cleaning the cafeteria.
Settlement for a woman who suffered significant leg injuries as a result of an automobile accident.
Settlement obtained for the family of a man who died as a result of a negligently performed gastric bypass surgery.
Settlement for a delivery person who slipped and fell at restaurant on freshly mopped floor with no warning signs.
Settlement for a maintenance worker who fell from the top of an elevator.
Arbitration award for an injured couple involved in an automobile accident.
Settlement for a woman who suffered a hip injury in a one car motor vehicle accident.
Settlement for a union construction worker injured in an automobile accident during the course of his employment.
Settlement for a victim who sustained a back and knee injury during an automobile accident.
Settlement for Amtrak electric line person who fell off a ladder.
Settlement for a railroad worker injured due to a faulty ladder.
Settlement recovered from the city municipality for negligently maintained sidewalk.
Settlement for a trip and fall injury resulting in RSD and the implantation of a spinal cord stimulator.
Settlement for a worker who fell due to improperly and insufficiently illuminated stairwell.
Settlement for a case involving an underinsured motorist policy.
Settlement for a woman who sustained a back injury in an automobile accident.
Settlement for LIRR Car Appearance Maintainer injured as a result of a blue flag violation, train moved while climbing coach car.
Settlement for a woman who was struck by a van after getting off a bus.
Settlement for a construction worker who tripped and fell on construction debris.
Settlement for a construction worker who fell of a ladder.
Settlement for an operating engineer injured when installing a drop ceiling.
Settlement for a construction worker who was injured by a falling object and suffered a traumatic brain injury.
Settlement for a construction worker who tripped and fell on debris during the construction of a bus depot.
Settlement for a construction worker who fell from a ladder positioned on scaffolding.
Settlement for an operating engineer who tripped and fell over debris.
Settlement for a building resident who fell from a roof due to defective wall.
Settlement for a plumber when he fell down a staircase due to an unsecured floor covering.
Settlement obtained for a woman who injured her back following a slip and fall accident at work.
Settlement for a bus driver injured when she tripped and fell on a misleveled elevator in the building where she worked.
Settlement for a security guard who tripped and fell due to unprotected construction work.
FELA recovery for a railroad worker injured in the course of his employment.
Settlement for a supermarket worker who was injured on a wet floor after a cleaning service mopped and failed to put any signs up.
Recovery for an operating engineer that fell from a ladder.
Settlement for a trip and fall due to faulty construction on a sidewalk.
Settlement for a pedestrian who tripped on a broken sidewalk caused by nearby construction activities.
Settlement obtained for a man who injured by improperly closing elevator doors resulting in lumbar spine injury and the implantation of a spinal cord stimulator.
Settlement obtained for a union member with respiratory injuries caused by exposure to dust and fumes on a construction site.
Settlement for a retail worker who was injured due to a failed sensor on an elevator door.
Settlement for a construction worker who was not provided with proper respiratory equipment and suffered respiratory injuries.
Settlement amount for a New York City Transit Authority worker who injured her knee when she tripped over a metal construction plate in the roadway.
Settlement for a pedestrian struck by vehicle operated by the New York City housing authority.
Settlement for a man injured in a train collision on his way to work.
Jury Verdict for a back injury as a result of a train crash.
Settlement for a man who was injured due to an unsafe indoor soccer field.
Settlement for a union laborer who was injured when he stepped into an unprotected hole.
Recovery for a civil rights violation on behalf of a man tasered by police.
Settlement for a teacher injured due to faulty construction ramp at a school.
Settlement for a nurse who suffered brain injury when struck by motor vehicle.
Jury award to a Queens man who suffered a foot injury while exiting a New York City Transit Authority Bus that allowed him to exit the vehicle in an unsafe area.
Settlement for an operating engineer who was injured during an explosion in a building.
Settlement for a union laborer who fell from a ladder and suffered a non-surgical back injury.
Settlement for a construction worker who fell from a ladder during a renovation project.
Settlement for an NYPD police officer involved in a motor vehicle accident.
Settlement for a woman injured in shopping mall due to negligent crowd control.
Settlement for a train crew as a result of a train derailment due to flooding in Oyster Bay, NY.
Recovered for a trip and fall on a sidewalk.
Settlement for a woman who suffered a wrist injury in a motor vehicle accident.
Recovery against railroad for defective condition on property.
Settlement for a pedestrian struck by a ride share vehicle.
Settlement for a laborer injured due to the malfunction of a freight elevator door.
Settlement for a 12 yr old struck by car crossing street.
Recovery against railroad for defective condition on property.
Settlement for a man who tripped and fell on railroad property with an arm injury.
Settlement for a woman injured in an automobile accident who had a prior injury to the same body part she injured in the accident.
Settlement for a young woman who injured her back when struck by an automobile.
Settlement for a Metro North conductor who was injured due to a derailment in Cos Cob, Connecticut.
Settlement for LIRR Engineer who twisted his ankle on ballast, unsafe walkway.
Settlement for a professional chauffeur who was involved in a motor vehicle accident.
Jury verdict for a woman injured in a car accident. She sustained back injury but did not report it to her doctors for nine months following the accident.
Settlement for a pedestrian struck by automobile causing shoulder injury.
Settlement or a municipal employee injured when he slipped on stairs that had just been mopped and there were no warning signs posted.
Jury verdict for an engineer as a result of a train derailment in Jamaica, Queens, NY.
Settlement for a woman who tripped and fell in a restaurant.
Settlement for a garage worker struck by an elevator door in the course of his employment.
Settlement for a railroad worker who tripped and fell due to poorly lit walkway.
Settlement for a machinist injured at the Stamford, Connecticut Yard Repair Shop.
Settlement for Long Island Railroad conductor who fell through an unsafe gap between the train and the platform.
Settlement for a machinist injured at the Stamford, Connecticut Yard Repair Shop.
Settlement for a worker who fell from an A-frame ladder while he was replacing a sensor on the back of the boiler.
Settlement for school teacher that slipped and fell during course of employment.
Settlement for Amtrak Hostler injured lumbar spine on unsafe track switch.
Settlement for a heavy equipment operator who was hit by a bus in a hit and run accident.
Settlement for a General Foreman injured in shop when a Nose of a Diesel fell on him.
Settlement for New York City woman stuck by scaffolding that was unsecured while she was picking her child up from school.
Settlement due to trip and fall on a defective sidewalk.
Settlement for an operating engineer injured due to failure of building to provide a safe way to enter or exit a cooling tower.
Settlement for a man injured due to an unsafe ladder at a storage facility.
Settlement for a woman who fell on the sidewalk after tripping on a metal gate.
Settlement for a man injured when he slipped and fell on a floor at a catering hall due to the failure of the hall to clean the premises.
Settlement for a man who was struck by a car while riding a scooter.
Settlement for a woman injured in an automobile accident.
Settlement for a union electrician who injured his wrist when he fell from his ladder on a construction project.
Settlement for a child who was struck by an automobile while crossing the street in the middle of a block.
Settlement for a union member injured in the course of his employment due to Labor Law violations.
Settlement For a construction worker who was injured when he tripped on a defective sidewalk on his way to work.
Settlement for an operating engineer injured at work when he fell from an unsafe ladder.
Settlement for a Machinist whose hand was caught in railroad truck changing springs.
Settlement for a man injured by a construction elevator.
Settlement for a man injured on a dock that was not properly secured by the marina.
Settlement for an operating engineer injured on construction site.
Settlement for a woman injured on a defective sidewalk caused by a metal gate.
Settlement for a woman who was an assistant on a school bus injured when the bus was in an accident.
Settlement for an injured cyclist against MTA defect from construction on the road.
Settlement for an operating engineer who was injured when he fell down a staircase while in the course of his employment.
Settlement for a handicapped woman riding a rented mobility scooter.
Settlement for an Amtrak teamster maintenance worker.
Settlement for a Long Island Railroad conductor injured while helping passenger off of the train.
Settlement for a conductor suffering from reflex sympathetic dystrophy/compartmental pain syndrome injured as a result of a rough track in the LIC yard.
Settlement for a woman who slipped in a school parking lot that was not cleared of snow and ice on her way to work.
Settlement for a union member injured by a defective product.
Settlement for an operating engineer who injured his knee when he tripped on a misleveled elevator.
Settlement for a woman injured due to unsafe steps at a school.
Settlement for a woman injured by an underinsured driver.
Settlement for a woman who was injured when an NYPD police vehicle entered the intersection against a red light on an emergency response.
Settlement for a construction worker injured on a job site.
Settlement for a truck driver injured by an underinsured motor vehicle.
Settlement due to a trip on a defective step.
Settlement due to a slip and fall on ice.
Settlement for a woman injured during a home construction project.
Settlement for a utility worker injured during a road construction project.
Settlement for a man injured in an automobile accident.
Settlement for a woman injured when she tripped on a defective sidewalk.
Settlement for a woman who was injured on a sidewalk due to an unsafe construction.
Settlement for the wife of a union member who was injured.
Settlement for a woman injured when she tripped in a poorly maintained public parking lot.
Settlement for a woman injured due to a defective elevator.
Settlement for a woman injured in a motor vehicle accident.
Settlement for an operating engineer injured on construction site.
Settlement for a sheet metal worker injured when he tripped on construction debris.
Settlement for an NYTA bus driver who was injured when an airport van collided into his bus.
Settlement for a pedestrian struck by an automobile.
Settlement for a bus driver injured in an automobile accident.
Settlement for a person who slipped and fell on water in a pharmacy.
Settlement for a man injured on unsafe premises.
Settlement for a police officer injured in the course of her employment.
Settlement for a construction worker who was injured when he slipped on ice on a construction site (a violation of Labor Law Section 241(6) while in a designated walkway.
Settlement for a man injured in an automobile accident.
Settlement for a woman injured in an automobile accident.
Settlement for a railroad worker who lost hearing due to exposure to noise at the LIRR Hillside Facility violating OSHA standards.