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(212) 779-0057

New York Right to Return Attorneys

If you've been injured in an accident or on the job, the attorneys of Hach & Rose, LLP have the knowledge, skills, and experience required to hold the party responsible for your injury accountable.

Last Updated: 12-02-2024

Military members and veterans have comprehensive employment protections under the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Act (USERRA). If you are currently a part of or are considering enlisting in any military branch and want to maintain your job security upon your return, you are protected under USERRA. If you are having issues regaining employment upon returning to civilian life, an attorney can help you gain employment at the same company or a comparable job. You have the right to return to your job, and we will fight to help you.

The New York workers’ rights attorneys at Hach & Rose, LLP have been working for the people of New York City for years. With a combined experience of over 100 years, we have helped various employees navigate issues with companies and employers. We are proud to advocate for workers’ rights, especially the rights of U.S. service members. If you have returned from service and your previous or prospective employer is not honoring the protections extended to service members by USERRA, then our legal team can discuss your options and advocate for your rights. Our skilled legal team understands how important it is for these rules to be honored, especially for those who have sacrificed so much. Call us today at (212) 779-0057 or contact us online if you want to learn how USERRA protects you or a loved one.

Do I Need a Right to Return Lawyer?

After returning home from military service, it can be jarring to find yourself the subject of employment discrimination suddenly. When you are already overwhelmed and need to secure a job, the prospect of hiring a lawyer can seem like an added burden. This is a misconception. Many people who hire a lawyer to help enforce their rights under USERRA can secure a job far more quickly than they would without an attorney’s assistance.

From our work with veterans, we understand that military service often equips people with strong leadership skills. Veterans complete their service with a strong dedication to teamwork, discipline, and duty. These qualities improve their ability to succeed as civilian workers when they return home. When employers don’t recognize this, an attorney can step in and fight for you.

Why Hire Hach & Rose, LLP to Handle My Case?

At Hach & Rose, LLP, workers’ rights attorneys believe that through sacrificing time and risking their lives for the good of our country, those who serve in the military should have bright future career prospects when they return home. We understand how frustrating and overwhelming it can be when your livelihood is on the line, so we put our experience to work for you. Our skilled workers’ rights lawyers have been serving New York for years. We know that when workers are set up to succeed, our communities only grow stronger.

Over the years, we have won millions of dollars for injured clients and fought to represent the rights of thousands of NYC workers. We know how crucial it is to work in an environment that protects your rights, which is why our lawyers are happy to ensure you have a skilled advocate during this difficult time. If you are having difficulties gaining employment upon returning from military service, there are actions that you can take, and our lawyers can help you every step of the way.

Cases We Handle

USERRA was established as a protection for those who voluntarily and involuntarily serve in the armed forces. It protects military members’ status as an employee and even accounts for their ability to be promoted and continue to grow in their civilian jobs.

Service members must meet certain standards to be eligible to be covered under the benefits offered by USERRA. USERRA covers all branches of the military and is available to both national guard members as well as those in the reserve. To qualify for the protections under USERRA, you must have the following:

  • Had previous employment before serving in the military
  • Applied for a position before serving in the military
  • Provided written or verbal notice to your employer before leaving for military training and service
  • Served for no longer than five cumulative years
  • Been discharged under amicable terms, as dishonorable discharge disqualifies military members from qualifying for USERRA benefits
  • Returned to your civilian job within a timely period to reapply

If you meet the criteria or want to speak with a workers’ rights attorney about how USERRA applies to your situation, one of our lawyers can help you. We know adjusting to life in New York can be a process after serving in the military, and we want to help ensure you can acclimate as quickly as possible.

Contact a Right to Return Lawyer Today

If you reintegrate into society after military service, your employer should know about USERRA. Some companies are not aware of the rights afforded to veterans. Of course, this is no excuse, and if they are not aware of the protections that USERRA extends service members, our attorneys can advocate for you.

While we’d like to believe that all companies welcome service members back after time served in the military, this isn’t always the truth. In the event that you need help re-establishing your career as a veteran, a workers’ rights attorney can help. Our attorneys will stand beside you and advocate for your rights to secure the career you need after returning from military service. Call our qualified legal team today at (212) 779-0057 or contact us on the web to learn how we can help you.

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